Wildland Fire Services
The Forsite Fire team is uniquely qualified in wildland fire management and uses a holistic and landscape level approach to wildfire risk mitigation. Our team draws upon their on-the-ground fire experience and professional experience and credentials to provide sound advice and solutions to clients seeking to increase their resilience to wildfire.
Community Resilience
- Community-based planning approach for municipalities and First Nations
- CRI and FESBC funding applications and administration
- FireSmart assessments, neighbourhood plans and education workshops
- Community Wildfire Resiliency Plans (CWRP)
Wildfire Evacuation Routes
- Combining Forsite’s expertise in road access, road design and engineering with wildfire risk identification services
- Fire behaviour analysis of community boundary and road locations
- Mitigation recommendations for post construction conditions
- Locate and design remote access roads, challenging access roads, road design and engineering
Prescribed Fire and Fuel Management
- Fuel management prescriptions
- Prescribed fire planning
- Operational prescribed burning
- Post-fire effects monitoring and reporting
- Contract management and tendering

High Resolution Forest Fuel Mapping for Fire Resiliency
Groundbreaking technology enhances fire behaviour predictions and facilitates vegetation management and fuel reduction assessments.
Development Permitting
- Wildfire hazard assessment reports for permitting
- Building and site plans review & field assessments
- Wildland Urban Interface threat assessment
Utility Risk Management
At Forsite we are at the forefront of mitigating utility wildfire risk through a collaborative effort with service providers. Our team of fire behaviour and fire weather specialists have been working hard, developing innovative wildfire risk mitigation processes and tools to support utility planning and decision-making.
Wildfire Behaviour Modeling
Our seasoned fire weather and behavior specialists analyze historic, current and forecast weather data and predicted climate scenarios, update wildfire fuel mapping products with our Fuel ID tool and simulate wildfire behaviour and spread using the latest wildfire models. Services include:
- Large-scale wildfire simulations, fire hazard and burn probability modeling to support a range of applications including landscape wildfire resiliency assessments, community wildfire risk analysis, infrastructure hazard analysis and escape route planning,
- Wildfire modeling using Canadian and international systems such as Prometheus, BURN-P3 etc, and
- Fuels assessments and mapping including integration of remote sensing data into wildland fuels assessment.
Ecological Restoration
Wildfires cause massive impact to communities by damaging social, cultural, economic, and environmental values. Recovering from a wildfire is a multi-year process that takes staff with expertise and dedication in post-fire scenarios. Forsite’s staff, working in conjunction with our community clients, have been heavily involved in post wildfire recovery in a variety of aspects including:
- Habitat analysis
- Vegetation monitoring plans, implementation and reporting
- Timber development and harvest supervision for burned areas
- Danger tree assessments and falling supervision
- Assessments, prescription development, and contractor supervision for rehabilitation of fire guards, recreation trails, etc.
- Application and support overseeing disaster relief funding programs to help restore public infrastructure
- Engagement and communication with First Nations, stakeholders, and the general public during wildfire recovery initiative
Emergency Management
- Flood response operations & coordination
- Recovery planning and monitoring
- Emergency Operations Centre staffing
- Community wildfire evacuation routes

Wildfire Response Operations and Support
- Wildfire incident management for private sector
- Specialized wildfire operational services
- Fire control line assessment, locating & rehabilitation planning
- Contingency and advance planning
Training & Fire Suppression Courses
- Fire suppression courses
- Work site suppression training
- Work site fire risk planning and monitoring
Get in Touch

John Davies, RPF
Prescribed Burning &
Development Permitting
Tel: 250-540-1840

Andy Low, RPF
Mines / Special Projects
Tel: 778-220-7934

Joanna Wand
Predictive Services

Adam Sullivan, RPF
Fuel Reduction

Kate Bezooyen, ASFIT
Wildfire Management Specialist
Fire Ecology