Forest Management Planning

Forsite works with clients across Canada to develop forest management plans that meet regulatory requirements and clearly define a strategic and sustainable management direction for tenured forest areas.

Forsite provides strategic planning solutions and support for a wide range of specific problems:

  • Silviculture investment analysis and strategy development
  • Delineation of operating areas for volume-based tenures
  • Biodiversity management strategies for old growth, patchsize, in-block retention, etc.
  • Risk assessments and planning (fire, forest health, watersheds/hydrology)

Visual Resource Management

Climate Change Risk Assessments

The potential influence of climate change on forest and natural resource management is a pre-eminent challenge of our day. An effective response to these risks needs to involve 1) deciphering of climate predictions, 2) understanding potential impact on land and natural resources and 3) development of mitigation or adaptation strategies.

We offer a number of risk assessment services:

  • Climate change risk assessment
  • Climate change strategies for organizations
  • Mitigation or adaptation strategies. Contact us to learn more about this work and past projects we’ve undertaken.

Climate Smart Forestry

The influence of climate change on forest and natural resource management is already being felt in changing weather and disturbance patterns and challenging sustainable forest management. Forsite can support forest and resource managers by applying a climate lens to your management and operations to reduce uncertainty and adapt to the challenges.

Climate Vulnerability Assessments

A path to reducing uncertainty and adaptation has been set out by the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM): Climate Vulnerability Assessments or (CVAs). Forsite has the training and experience to customize the CCFM’s process to client scope and priorities to achieve actionable outcomes and address new climate requirements in certification standards by addressing climate change challenges directly in existing sustainable forest management planning and practices.


  • Increase stockpile use to address volatile frozen operating seasons
  • Upgrade culvert sizes to prevent washouts from increasing extreme weather events
  • Include climate change as part of the annual EMS training
  • Develop a business case for capital investment in strategic all-weather roads
  • Compile local and community knowledge about past and current climate changes

Get in Touch

Randy Spyksma, RPF


assistant manager – BC rmt

Tel: 250-804-6305

[email protected]

Jeremy Beal, RPF


Manager – aLBERTA

[email protected]

Darryl Sande, RPF



[email protected]

Craig Robinson, RPF



[email protected]


Not only can Forsite help you successfully complete a CVA but we have the expertise, experience, and connections to complete any supplementary analyses to support adaptation and reduce climate uncertainty. Contact us to learn more.

  • Summaries on the implications of climate change to targeted values
  • Climate change risk analysis
  • Carbon modeling and accounting
  • Cumulative effects assessments
  • Climate mapping
  • Climate change seed transfer
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