Development Permitting
In need of wildfire development permit area report?
We are Registered Professional Foresters (RPF) specializing in wildfire assessment and can support your application for a development permit by reviewing your planning documents, property information and relevant wildfire plans and drafting a report for district approval.
- Wildfire hazard assessment reports
What Do You Provide to Us for the Assessment?
Provide us with relevant planning documents, reports and any documents received from the city indicating scope of work for the wildfire hazard assessment report, such as:
- Building schematics
- Landscaping plans
- Environmental reports
- Riparian reports stipulating tree retention
- Documents received from the city indicating scope of work for Wildfire DPP
How long does an assessment take?
Typically, assessment reports can take 3-6 weeks depending on complexity, stage of development and scheduling constraints.
Project Scope and Deliverables
Our Registered Professional Forester (RPF) consultant will complete a Wildfire Hazard Assessment report for the proposed area. The assessment report will be suitable for submission to your local district office. The project scope will include the following:
- Travel to and from the site
- Field assessment and completion of Wildland Urban Interface threat assessment worksheets
- Compilation and analysis of field assessment data
- Review of Client building plans, site plans or other planning documents provided to us, in the context of wildfire and FireSmart considerations
- Preparation of a professional report suitable for submission to district
- Reasonable edits requested by the Client or district (e.g., typos, administrative considerations, etc.)
- Professional work products will be signed and sealed by a qualified Registered Professional Forester (RPF) in British Columbia

John Davies, RPF
Tel: 250-540-1840